this cute idea to store jewelry!
Is your jewelry all knotted together in the bottom of a drawer? Are you always looking for a piece that you know “is in there somewhere?” We recently found the perfect solution for this dilemma from the unique and innovative
Etsy artist, Uncorked.
She makes this unique hanging jewelry box from picture frames. It’s such a cool idea! Take a look at her shop and click on
“Recycled Cases N Boards” off to the right to see the different styles she offers. (She does amazing cork jewelry, too. Definitely a seller to watch!) Thanks Cat!
Stuff You Will Need
• 2 picture frames of the same size (the deeper the better with square edges)
• 2 hinges with hardware
• 1 latch with hardware
• Foam board (cut to fit inside one of the frames)
• Fabric (dense weaves are best)
• A piece of glass to fit one of the frames
• Silicone sealant (clear for kitchen and bath)
• Staple gun
• Glazier points
• Hanging hardware (saw tooth hanger)
• Drill or dremel
• Clamps
• Screwdriver
Step 1. Line Up Your Frames
Marry your frames by standing them up on a table and fitting the interiors together. Sometimes you have to turn one in a different direction to get the perfect line. Check your corners and sides. If your frames are out of line, give them a quickie divorce and get yourself two frames that want to live happily ever after together. (If you skip this step, it will be at your own risk!) Once your frames do line up, protect your wood with cardboard and then clamp the two sides together with the interiors facing each other.
Step 2. The HingesLine up the top of the hinge with the top of the interior frame. Set your hinges in place, mark the screw holes, remove the hinges, pre-drill your holes and then secure the hinges with a screwdriver. Repeat for the bottom.
Step 3. The LatchDetermine which frame will be the front of your jewelry case. Measure to find the center (unless you are an off-center kind of girl), lay out your latch so that it opens toward the frame you would like to be the front of your case, mark screw holes with an awl, pre-drill holes for latch hardware, and finally, secure latch hardware with a screwdriver.
Step 4. The GlassClean your glass; you need it clean to get a good seal and you want to check for any scratches or mars along the way. Open your case. Lay your glass into the front frame. Gently hold a slight pressure down on your glass as you apply a continuous 1/4-inch (approx) bead of clear silicone along the entire inside edge of the front frame; applying the silicone to the location where the glass meets the frame. This will hold the glass in place. Allow this to dry for 24 hours.
Step 5. The Big FinishLay your foam, which you have cut to fit inside the back frame on top of the fabric you’ll be using as a backdrop for your jewelry. Cut the fabric about 2 inches larger than the foam all the way around (you may want to iron your fabric at this point). Fold the fabric around the foam (with the outside of your fabric facing away from the foam) and secure it with a staple gun. Cat uses 6mm staples so they will not poke out the other side. Staple one side and then the opposite side pulling tightly until all four sides are secured. Fold your corners like you are wrapping a birthday present and staple. Cut away excess fabric. Cut a piece of cardboard the same size as the foam (usually something you can use will come with the frame). Lay the cardboard into the back frame, and lay your fabric covered foam panel on top of the cardboard.
Step 6. Hang it UpNow your ready to hang your masterpiece. Use a screwdriver to push 8 glazier points into the frame on top of the fabric panel (two points on each side). Add your hanging hardware to the back by measuring to find the center and then nailing in the hardware. Use a long saw tooth hanger so the case can be adjusted for weight when hanging.
Step 7. Extra TouchesHang in style by using corsage pins (available at craft stores, florists, etc.). And for an extra little something, store your pins in a test tube container. (Cat will provide these for FREE; all you have to do is pay the $2 for shipping!