Wednesday, October 28, 2009

These anklets are adorable!


Let’s do a little tutorial today! I know not all of you love the crafts like I do, but today if you’ll bear with me and leave a little comment you could win one of THREE anklets! That’s right, today I’ll give away THREE! Woo Hoo!

Is it just in the South, or do girls everywhere wear anklets when the weather gets warm? The moment sandals and Capri’s and sun dresses come out of storage, you can see little jewelry decorating ankles everywhere! I made some of these last year and gave some away. You know I love to give things away! The one I kept for my own bad self, I wore nonstop all summer. In the ocean, in the pool…everywhere!


Here’s all you need to start…the findings are just end clamps and all of this can be found at Michael’s and JoAnn’s!Cut 2 pieces of hemp or cotton cord between 8 and 9 inch’s depending on the dainty little ankle you’ll be adorning!


Okay here’s what I do, you Do NOT have to use this glue. I have a love hate relationship with it myself. I get it all over my hands and it takes about 24 hours to wear off! I dip the ends of the cord in a dab of glue before putting them into the end clamp. But you can simply clamp the ends. I’m OCD and feel compelled to glue and clamp!jewelry-glue

The end clamps are easy, just put the cord in and use needle nose pliars to close the ends of the clamp over the cord. Do the other side of your cord the same way!clamp-the-ends

To one side of the end clamp attach a clasp like this one…


I love to add charms to the other end. I think the little shells are delightful!


Now, knot both cords through the round charm like this. It’s difficult to describe but doing it is easy!


Taaa Daaa!


I’m sorry you have to see my ankle Peeps, the pups have itty bitty ankles and they were terrible models!

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